Sunday, February 7, 2010


Salam semua..

Alhamdulillah..semua usaha dirahmati Allah, dan diberi-Nya imbuhan yang bertepatan. Insyaallah, The GoldBankers akan menjadi Master Dealer dalam masa hanya 2 bulan! Walaupun tempoh probation sebenarnya adalah 6 bulan. A big clap untuk diri sendiri. Alhamdulillah, dan sekalung ucapan terima kasih The GoldBankers ucapkan kepada 'mentor' kami, Pokli, atas segala tunjuk ajar & panduan dlm berniaga emas ni. Kadang2, dengan mentor ni, kalau dia tak sempat mengajar, kita tiru saja apa dia buat. Mirroring the successful person so that you will achieve what he achieved..itu kata Anthony Robbins dlm buku beliau, The Unlimited Power. (salah sebuah buku favorite saya).

It has been a month we became a dealer to PG. A hectic month we would say, be it on the road, airway journeys, in the Facebook (this is the most effective way of marketing any business today!), sending & replying emails, meet & greet with relatives..we go a great length just to 'announce' our existence in this gold market in Malaysia. Alhamdulillah, insyaallah, we will be starting our extended effort in building our own team or network in these few days to come. We are recruiting agents to join us in this business, and move as a team.

So,watch out the name of Bank Emas anywhere you go folks!!!


prime mommy said...

Alhamdullillah...good luck Bank Emas...

The GoldBankers said...

thank you Prime Mommy..looking at the list of blogs u follow, mcm tahu je saper u ni..hehhee..let's blogging bebeh & rock the world!!!chewahhhh... (serkap jarang je ni..hehhehe)